This free browsing has been on air more than a year. It works with different vpn. It is unlimited and the speed varies depending on the strength of glo network in your Area. It works with zero naira. It may not work if you have credit on your Glo line. That was why it is called GLO 0.0k. I will be using TWEAKWARE as the VPN for this tutorial.
1. Set your Apn
Name : Glo
Apn : glosecure or gloflat
2. Download and install Tweakware from playstore
3. Download the Glo tweak file Here
4. Open your Tweakware and
click on SETTINGS then select IMPORT TWEAK

5. Locate the glo tweak file in your file manager. As for me the file is in my Uc Download folder.

Click on the folder and Tick the glo tweak file then click on OK

6. Make sure the file is successfully imported as it is shown in the image below under IMPORT TWEAK

7. Go back to the first page and select FREE SERVER- AUTO SELECT

8. Click the box under it and choose IMPORT TWEAK from the options listed

9. Lastly, Click on CONNECT and feel the speed

Tweakware free server has a daily bandwith of 350 mb. Whenever you exhaust the 350 mb, just disconnect and exit the app then enter and connect again. Another 350mb is there waiting for you.
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1. Set your Apn
Name : Glo
Apn : glosecure or gloflat
2. Download and install Tweakware from playstore
3. Download the Glo tweak file Here
4. Open your Tweakware and
click on SETTINGS then select IMPORT TWEAK
5. Locate the glo tweak file in your file manager. As for me the file is in my Uc Download folder.
Click on the folder and Tick the glo tweak file then click on OK
6. Make sure the file is successfully imported as it is shown in the image below under IMPORT TWEAK
7. Go back to the first page and select FREE SERVER- AUTO SELECT
8. Click the box under it and choose IMPORT TWEAK from the options listed
9. Lastly, Click on CONNECT and feel the speed
Tweakware free server has a daily bandwith of 350 mb. Whenever you exhaust the 350 mb, just disconnect and exit the app then enter and connect again. Another 350mb is there waiting for you.
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