If you have tried the free browsing on psiphon and it didnt work for you, try it with Http Injector.
Use the MTN default Apn settings on your Phone. Download Http Injector from Play store. Download the working config file Here and import it in your Http injector.
Then start the Http injector. It will connect.
If you are new in using Http Injection. Read the instructions below on how to activate it.
1. You need to create an account first. Visit www.fastssh.com to create a free account .select EUROPE as continent.Then Select any of the country in Europe continent either France, Germany etc.(preferably Germany)
Write the username and password you like and solve the simple math question. Then click create account.
2. Create New Apn in your Phone Name: MTN
Apn: web.gprs.mtnnigeria.net
Others: blank
3. Configuration for Http Injector Launch your http injector.Go to menu to import config file from your SDcard. Then Click on settings and set it as shown below
Connection mode: Select any of the two options. But ipbtablet(root) is for rooted devices.
SSH HOST: Select your host country SSH,e.g. de.serverip.co is for Germany
Username- fastssh.com-your username
Password : put your password

Go back and click start and wait for few seconds to show connected
The account you created will last for three days. After three days, visit the site again to create another account and put the details in the Menu of the Http Injector. That means you will be creating new account every three days.
If you have tried the free browsing on psiphon and it didnt work for you, try it with Http Injector.
Use the MTN default Apn settings on your Phone. Download Http Injector from Play store. Download the working config file Here and import it in your Http injector.
Then start the Http injector. It will connect.
If you are new in using Http Injection. Read the instructions below on how to activate it.
1. You need to create an account first. Visit www.fastssh.com to create a free account .select EUROPE as continent.Then Select any of the country in Europe continent either France, Germany etc.(preferably Germany)
Write the username and password you like and solve the simple math question. Then click create account.
2. Create New Apn in your Phone Name: MTN
Apn: web.gprs.mtnnigeria.net
Others: blank
3. Configuration for Http Injector Launch your http injector.Go to menu to import config file from your SDcard. Then Click on settings and set it as shown below
Connection mode: Select any of the two options. But ipbtablet(root) is for rooted devices.
SSH HOST: Select your host country SSH,e.g. de.serverip.co is for Germany
Username- fastssh.com-your username
Password : put your password

Go back and click start and wait for few seconds to show connected
The account you created will last for three days. After three days, visit the site again to create another account and put the details in the Menu of the Http Injector. That means you will be creating new account every three days.
posted from Bloggeroid
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